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Beulah URC Divests From Fossil Fuels

Beulah United Reform Church in Rhiwbina has announced its commitment to support clean energy, deciding to withdraw investments from fossil fuels for ethical reasons.

The church has decided it cannot support the fossil fuel industry which contributes to climate change and disproportionately impacts the world’s poorest communities.

In April 2019, the Welsh Government declared a climate emergency, highlighting the importance of moving to low-carbon energy alternatives to make Wales a greener, healthier country. Beulah URC says it took this on board in its decision to take action against climate change.

The church says individuals can fight climate change by making small but significant lifestyle changes, such as using a washing line rather than a tumble dryer, using public transport instead of driving and eating less meat. Beulah URC hopes to see churches of all denominations take significant action by joining them in investing in clean energy technologies.

Dr. Andrew Glanfield, Chair of Elders and Church Meeting in Beulah, said: “God calls us all to look after the Earth and its natural wonders. Moving from fossil fuels to renewable technologies is of utmost importance for our planet, for climate justice and for our future generations.”

This follows other significant environmental efforts last year, when Rhiwbina Against Plastic formed in an effort to make Rhiwbina a plastic-free community.

James Buchanan, who works for the Christian climate change charity Operation Noah on the Bright Now divestment campaign, said: “We are delighted that Beulah URC has decided to divest from fossil fuels, and we hope many other churches across Wales will join them. It is time for all investors concerned about climate change to withdraw investments from the companies fuelling the crisis and increase investment in the clean technologies of the future.”

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